My Name Poem
1. My name is Makenzie.
2. The name I should be called is monkey because I like to bounce around.
3. The animal that’s inside me is a monkey because I love bananas.
4. What’s in my heart is a dove because I’m peaceful.❤️
5. The sound I love is the waves on the beach.⚓️
6. The sound I dislike is crying babies.
7. The smell I love is tanning lotion.
8. The smell I hate is rotten fish.
9. I love to touch sand.
10. I don’t like to touch a chalkboard.
11. I love the taste of Texas Roadhouse rolls with cinnamon butter.
12. The taste I don’t like is fish.
13. Something I love to look at is the beach.
14. I don’t like to look at violence.
15. My favorite memory is Sea World.
16. My favorite thing in the whole wide world is my family.
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